Wynnum Manly Ballboy Craig Pflugrath equipped with the scoop supplied by the club

Every ball that BRL ball boy Craig Pflugrath scoops is a net gain for the game . . . for one of his jobs last Sunday was getting balls out of the drain that runs along one side of Kougari Oval.

Now and again a ball soars out of the field of play at Kougari Oval, over the seats and plops into the water in the drain.

Rather than have soggy ballboys emerging from the reeds, Wynnum-Manly officials have equipped the ball boys at Kougari Oval games with a long-handled net.

It’s a scoop for the boys who prefer this method of ball­retrieving rather than a quick, chilly paddle.


Story Source: Rugby League News – June 1978

Photo Source: Rugby League News – June 1978