Les Greenhill displays his back eye from the match against Souths last Sunday
No action was taken last night by the B.R.L. judiciary committee against Wynnum Manly forward Les Greenhill. After a long hearing of nearly two hours the judiciary panel dismissed charges of ‘abusive remarks by Greenhill.’
Wynnum Manly played one man short for the whole second half against Souths on Sunday after Greenhill was ordered off as the teams left the field for halftime. Referee Jim Wallace later told Wynnum Manly officials he ordered Greenhill off for allegedly ‘answering back.’
In the charge against Greehill last night he was acused of ‘abusive remarks.’ Greenhill last night sported an outsize black eye (pictured left), which required medical attention yesterday. The injury will cause him to be out of football for about two weeks. He was playing loosehead prop on Sunday.
Wynnum Manly supporters claimed he was butted in the scrum, later kneed and punched. Greenhill got the eye in the scrum butt. The doctor who examined him yesterday, told him he had a burst blood-vessel in the right eyebrow, besides bruising around the eye.
Story Source: Brisbane Telegraph 1959
Photo Source: The Greenhill Family