Current Wynnum Manly second rower Lester Young had nothing but praise for his primary school coach Nev Rice
Full marks to Wynnum North Primary School teacher Nev Rice. His name has never hit the headlines, yet Nev Rice and hundreds of people like him are a massive force in Rugby League.
This was emphasised last Sunday after Wynnum Manly had beaten Souths. Seagulls second rower Lester Young had a great match and pats on the back came from all directions. In an interview with Rugby League News, amid the noisy jubilance of his team mates. Lester gave some details of his playing career. But he insisted his coach of his days at Wynnum North Primary School Nev Rice was mentioned.
It seem first impressions count in schoolboy Rugby League, and the Nev Rice way of starting little fellows off pays rich dividends for the code.
Rugby League News later checked with Nev Rice. Yes, he remembers Lester Young quite well and Warren Hodges too. Both were school captains and both were full of promise in their 4st. 7lb, and 5st days, they both played either centre or fullback. ‘Thats where I always play my best players,’ Nev said. Putting as many good players as possible into circulation for Wynnum Manly is the Rice master plan.
Nev, 25 years school teacher and 15 year Rugby League coach at Wynnum North is the President of the Wynnum Manly Primary Schools Rugby League. He can be classed a Seagull stalwart for he wants those locally produced players to stay right in the Wynnum Manly territory.
At present he has three under 8 teams on the go (one little bloke asked. “Am I the goodest, sir?”) and he is proud of the Wynnum record in inter zone school competitions. Nev likes to keep tabs on his ‘old boys’ and Lester Young and Warren Hodges are examples of that.
He follows senior football closely, knows the background of many players and is a little bit dissappointed that some from the Wynnum Manly area have gone elsewhere.
Nev tips a big future for 18 year old Phil Attell, a nippy five-eighth or centre or you name it, who had a fine schoolboy record. Phillip is having a break from the game, but should be back next year to join the growing youth squad in the Kougari Oval camp.
Well we honoured Lester Young’s promise to give Nev Rice a mention. Lester also included the request “And that goes for all Junior League coaches.” But that would need a hefty volume of the Rugby League News, so as general acknowledgement it will have to be ‘Good on you, Junior League coaches keep up the good work.’
Lester Young aims to be with Wynnum Manly next year. ‘It’s a good team, with a good captain and a good coach” he said. He will be going on a working tour with senior grade player Ian Ogbourne and Second Division player John Maltby in the off season, then return about January to front up for the 1975 battle. He is adamant, he will stick with Wynnum Manly.
That’s the kind of thing Nev Rice loves to hear!

Primary school principal and rugby league coach Nev Rice with his victorious Wynnum North Primary School side in 1968
Story Source: Rugby League News 1974