Australian Rugby League captain Wally Lewis displaying his new Wynnum numberplate
Collectors will be crawling out of the woodwork with cheque books open, to own unique registration plates like Wally and I.
The people with the money, the collector’s instinct and psychological need for such adornments for their bars or cars, will have to chance to achieve theirs through auction on Sunday.
Wally and I already have ours, having attended the Main Roads Department launch at the Cricketers Club, the Gabba on Monday. Wally’s says “Wynnum”, while mine says “No Bull”.
As a collector’s item, Wally’s (pictured) is likely to be worth much more than mine. That possibly has something to do with the fact he’s the world’s top rugby league player, while I was just one of the mass of media personalities……. workers if you like…… who attended the launch and walked away with a “No Bull” sign.
While Wally plays for Wynnum Manly and no doubt the Wynnum Chamber of Commerce and supporters throughout the district, will be thrilled about the publicity Wynnum gets through this famous man holding the numberplate with “our” name on it, one must think that the wording more suitable should’ve been just “Wally”. I mean if you were driving and saw a car with “Wally” on it, you would think of only one person.
Just try it. walking into any pub, club, gathering of people say “Wally played another good’un on Sunday”, people will nod, agree or disagree, but I will know who you are talking about. No one will confuse the Seagull’s super Wally, with the only other Wally of any consequence, Wally Walpamur, even though the former’s latest advert, featuring his leisure shorts, ends with the now famous quote of the other’s famous paint advertisement…..”Ah Wal!”.
The second vehicle registration plate auction was announced by the Minister for Main Roads people, Russ Hinze the ‘Minister for Racing” showed he still has plenty of charisma when called upon to present. His opening statement was “Anyone want a TAB”.
The assembled crowd laughed, linking his late arrival with the TAB controversy raging in parliament. “What are you laughing at….” said Russ with a smile. “I can’t see anything funny about that.”
Then it was on to presentation to super bullets, Leroy Loggins and Calvin Bruton, like the ones made to Wally. It all went fine, as big and Leroy stepped up and took the suitably inscribed plate with “Leroy” inscribed on it. Then it was Cal’s turn to step forward and pick up the suitably inscribed plate with”Leroy” on it. “Leroy?” “Well I suppose we all looks like Leroy’s to these fellows,” said Cal out of the corner of his mouth and quietly and with a wide grin.
Apparently someone has slipped up and ordered two Leroy’s or forgot to get Cal one of his own. Big Russ move right on obviously still with the events of parliament on his mind. “And for the press we have “No Bull” plates.” “I could’ve done with about 50 of those for the assembled press at Parliament House this morning,” he said.
instead champion cricketer Greg Chappell received a “Not Out” plate and Steve Ackerie, who paid $100,000 for the number plate “Q1” In the series at the last auction on June 11, was invited to attend the second. “And I thought you invited me today because you liked me,”Steve said.
The first auction raised $865,450 and all funds raised at the second will go towards the Mount Cotton Driving Training centre. The venue for the auction is at Sheridan Hotel Books on the types of plates on offer can be obtained from the Main Roads people.
Wally and Cal’s prediction for their respective teams for the finals, “We will win.”
P.S. – The Wynnum plate is lot number 26 and if you happen to have a spare $15,000 you’re in with a chance!
Story Source: The Wynnum Herald, 1986. (Bernie Philp)
Photo Source: Wynnum Manly Rugby League Football Club